The Janus

The Janus is a periodical publication by AFS Archives and AFS Intercultural Programs. The inaugural issue is dated June 1986 and was primarily mailed to the drivers.

The Janus - June 1986

AFS Archives

In this inaugural issue, the mission and content of the AFS Archives is presented within the context of the AFS community.

The Janus - November 1987

Pryse, Rosemary

Readers are introduced to the staff of the AFS Archives in this issue, including Archivist Lawrence D. Geller, Project Director William P. Orrick, Assistant Rosemary Pryse, Volunteers Manning Field and William Foley, and Intern Sheryl Nibbs.

The Janus - January 1989

AFS Archives

This issue notes the publication of Lawrence D. Geller’s description of the World War I collections described under the scope of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission grant, as well as the receipt of a Florence Gould Foundation grant

Janus Special to AFS Drivers, August 18, 1989

Orrick, William P., 1907-2000

This special letter to AFS Drivers announces the postponement of the proposed trip to the National Museum in the Château de Blérancourt in Picardie, France.

The Janus - November 1991

AFS Archives

This issue highlights the international collaborations of the AFS Archives with the National Museum in the Château de Blérancourt in Picardie, France, and the Imperial War Museum in London, England.

The Janus - August 1992

AFS Archives

The itinerary for the “10 Days in England” tour is included in this issue, and a photographic insert highlights items in the AFS Archives exhibition at the AFS Intercultural Programs headquarters on East 43rd Street in New York City.

The Janus - January 1993

AFS Archives

This issue highlights the “10 Days in England” tour that a group of AFS Drivers and staff took to England in 1992.

The Janus - August 1993

AFS Archives

This special issue includes an update on the upcoming AFS Driver trip to Italy, the HR 2967 Bill on Veterans Benefits, and the sale of the East 43rd Street AFS International/AFS-USA headquarters building in New York City to ...

The Janus - December 1993

AFS Archives

This issue reports on the 1993 World Congress in Mürten, Switzerland, and includes a special photographic insert advertising the proposed AFS Driver trip to Italy.

The Janus - December 1994

AFS Archives

Roberto Ruffino and AFS Drivers Bill Cantrall and Walter Brethauer recount a trip to Italy organized by Intercultura, the AFS Partner in Italy, that was jointly sponsored by AFS Travel and the AFS Archives.

The Janus - December 1995

AFS Archives

Special Edition 50th Anniversary Driver Reunion

The Janus - February 1996

AFS Archives

This issue describes three major projects completed by the AFS Archives, including the Bergen-Belsen Album, the 50th Anniversary Driver Reunion, and an AFS Archives exhibition held at the Princeton University Archives.

The Janus - January 1997

AFS Archives

This issue highlights the assistance of the AFS Archives in reconnecting an AFS Driver with his former World War II patient, a lieutenant in the Canadian Army, fifty-two years after he was wounded near Florence, Italy.

The Janus - January 1998

AFS Archives

Former AFS Archivist Lawrence Geller writes about Robert Nourse, a World War I Driver, and who he considers to be the first AFS host family.

The Janus - January 1999

AFS Archives

AFS remembers the past and also looks forward in this issue that includes articles about the Battle of Monte Cassino and an AFS Ambulance Driver’s wedding in the midst of war, as well as revealing the “Vision 2010” ...

The Janus - December 1999

Golobic, Eleanora (ed.)

This issue includes a recollection by Walter B. Doyle regarding his time in a German hospital during World War II, as well as a report on the 1999 AFS World Congress in Costa Rica.

The Janus - December 2000

Golobic, Eleanora (ed.)

AFS Drivers retrace their steps through Europe in this issue, including a meeting with Alice Kern, a Bergen-Belsen concentration camp survivor.

The Janus - December 2001

Golobic, Eleanora (ed.)

This issue reports on the growth of AFS in China, and includes a story about the interesting journey of the Japanese flag found by Driver James F. Revard during World War II.

The Janus - February 2003

Golobic, Eleanora (ed.)

This issue highlights the September 2002 Driver Reunion in Baltimore, MD, including a letter commending AFS Drivers from British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

The Janus - February 2004

Golobic, Eleanora (ed.)

Former AFS International President Paul Shay notes that AFS should remain a place for dialogue and conversation in international affairs in the feature article “AFS: Creating Space For Dialogue.”

The Janus - April 2005

Golobic, Eleanora (ed.)

In this issue we welcome the newly appointed AFS International President Leslie E. Bains, and also highlight the 2004 World Congress in Fujiyoshida, Japan.

The Janus - September 2005

Golobic, Eleanora (ed.)

In this issue AFS Returnee Francisco “Tachi” Cazal (PAR-USA, 74-75) is introduced as the new AFS International President.

The Janus - September 2006

Golobic, Eleanora (ed.)

Join Arthur Williams and his sons as he retraces his steps as a World War II Driver in the article “Journey Back: An AFS Driver's Memories of France, 1944-45” in this issue.

The Janus - October 2007

Golobic, Eleanora (ed.)

This issue includes articles about the first AFS Intercultural Programs bus trip, Driver recollections of World War II, and The Petition for a Global Expansion of Educational Youth Programs to promote peace.

AFS Janus - December 2008

AFS: An Idea, a Leader, and Volunteers

Golobic, Eleanora (ed.)

AFS Janus - May 2009

Featuring Charles Fernley Fawcett

Golobic, Eleanora (ed.)

AFS Janus - September 2009

Featuring Edwin Masback, Jr.

Golobic, Eleanora (ed.)

AFS Janus - January 2010

AFS Memories of Irving Penn

Porro, Carlos (ed.)

AFS Janus - May 2010

Featuring Rev. Norman Cooley Eddy

Golobic, Eleanora (ed.)

AFS Janus - November 2010

Featuring Ward B. Chamberlin, Jr.

Golobic, Eleanora (ed.); Porro, Carlos (ed.)

AFS Janus - Spring 2011

Featuring Arthur Howe, Jr.

Porro, Carlos (ed.)

AFS Janus - Fall 2011

Featuring David K. Ford

Porro, Carlos (ed.)

AFS Janus - Spring 2012

Featuring Richard M. Hunt, Villa le Querci

Porro, Carlos (ed.)

AFS Janus - Fall 2012

Featuring Walter J. Brethauer, Rosi Popp, Herman Armour Webster

Porro, Carlos (ed.)

AFS Janus - Summer 2013

Featuring Sachiye Kuwamoto

Porro, Carlos (ed.)

AFS Janus - Fall 2013

Featuring Laurence V. and Thomas C. Benet

Porro, Carlos (ed.)

AFS Janus - Spring 2014

Featuring Bayard D. Clarkson

Porro, Carlos (ed.)

AFS Janus - Centennial Issue 2015

Milano, Nicole

AFS Janus - Spring 2016

Featuring Richard Nelville Hall

Milano, Nicole

AFS Janus - Spring 2017

Featuring Stephen Galatti

Milano, Nicole

AFS Janus - Fall 2015

Featuring David Annan

Milano, Nicole